Monday, October 8, 2007

Walking on the beach

I have always loved the beach my PawPaw took me every summer. This weekend Darrin and I went down to Gulfport and then drove over to Fairhope and got up very early (a sign of how much I love the beach because I truly am not a morning person) around 5:30 and drove down to the beaches. The goal was to watch the sunrise but we got a little lost so we saw the sunrise from the car. We finally made to the beaches and walked and enjoyed the morning sunlight it was very beautiful. We got some shells and talked about being beach comers when we retire which always remains me of how much older I am getting because I actually do think about retiring on a fairly regularly bases.Darrin said he would not like to retire at the beach because of the crowds (he is getting older to) and I think we may be snowbirds. I truly love growing older and more in love with my husband he really is a fun and thoughtful person to be willing to drive an extra hour just so he can make his sweetie happy and walk on the beach with her hand in hand. We so rarely get moments to our self when day to day life of work and kids and soccer are always pressing in but this moment of walking on the beach was really great I will remember it as one of my favorite beach moments.


Kim said...

That is so sweet! I can almost imagine myself there. You know, the third wheel.

heather said...

You would make an excellent third wheel Darrin would not have to shop or do any "girl stuff" HaHa

Paige M said...'ve had your hand holding time at the beach, so when are the girls going?????

heather said...

soon I hope what were you doing up at 5:00 am?

Missy said...

That was the sweetest story, and I love that I can hear your voice telling it!