Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tis the season.

So my kids are both stuffy and I always blamed the real tree before so I hope Darrin (he said I can't call him sweet husband anymore but it just fits him so well because he is sweet and so wonderful maybe I will call him wonderful husband?) doesn't notice the runny noses. I think it is just this time of year of course. Which makes me crazy because this is my favorite time of year and I loath being stuck inside with sick kids or my sick self. I love being out in the cold, we went to the park yesterday it was cool and crisp and so beautiful. So maybe we want be to sick and maybe we want be stuck to much. I think time just flies by so quickly it was about a year ago we found out we were going to move and now we have been here almost a year that is so great. I hope I can get everything done for Christmas and I hope to not be to stressed out. I always Christmas shop at the last minute which is so not me but it always seems to work out that way. I mean I have not bought one thing yet for Christmas not one thing crazy I know okay I am going to stop mentioning it I am panicking a little. Happy shopping.


Missy said...

Kleenex is a must this time of the year.
Lana said this morning that she threw up on the table. It wasn't throw up, it was just yucky throat stuff! Now aren't you looking forward to lunch tomorrow???

Anonymous said...

We were sick half the month of November. I'm praying December will be kinder to us!

Kim said...

ZICAM! Shortens the duration of a cold. Promise!