Sunday, November 18, 2007


We have a stomach thing I was just talking with Missy about we haven't been sick in a while and what do you know sick (next time Missy let's use code words so germs can't hear me and get angry and attack) but hopefully we will be all better in time for our trip. I am actually looking forward to it and can't wait to see the family. We also went to see SUE at the Anniston Museum WOW!!! It was a really great museum and the kids had a blast and the ladies had a blast to. I hope to go back soon. We missed church today because of the stomach thing and we missed last week because we were exhausted from the play and now we will be out of town next week I miss going but it so great that we get together during the week for different stuff and I love that. Well I guess I will go tend to the sick ones.


Marsha said...

Hope you all get to feeling better soon. Stomach bugs are the worst, especially with children. Also, if we don't "blog again", have a great trip! Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Missed you today Miss Heather! I hope you all feel better real soon, that is the good thing about stomach viruses, they leave pretty quickly.

Missy said...

HMMMM...I had a child complaining of a tummy ache yesterday but nothing came of it thank goodness.
But now that I know that you rode in my car and our sons were unseperable that whole day, I will be paranoidily watching there every moves and I won't sleep tonight waiting for the "Mommy I'm sick sound!"
Thanks Heather!!!!

OK...Hope you feel better! Safe travels!!!! :)