Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Loved today.

What a wonderful day today I usually don't like it when it gets hot again but it was so beautiful today. Had a great day at school I seem to for now found my grove. The first year of homeschooling was not easy and I felt very discourage but now I think okay I see improvement and Eric is starting to read and wow this can be sort of fun. Then they are those days when I think this is to hard and I just can't but those days are further and further apart these days. We then went to the park and ran into Paige and it was great the kids had Landy to play with and Carson they had a blast. So now I am doing laundry and I really didn't want to because we are going out of town next week and I was hoping to put it off until we where ready to go but I thought my kids might not like to go out naked to the various things we have these week so laundry it is. Also I am cooking baked potatoes for supper and that is so easy (Darrin bought a 10 lb bag of potatoes) we are going out of town and I have this thing about cooking everything that could go bad before we go. We usually don't have milk for 2 or 3 days before we leave so that it can't go bad while we are gone. I am also looking forward to a whole week off and away I absolutely love to travel(we go to South Dakota and always drive we love it) I really love to drive, by drive I mean ride while the man drives he doesn't mind me driving he just can't stand to sit there with nothing to do. So I get to sit there and think and talk to the man without to many interruptions. (Darrin is the man by the way I just want to see if he reads this). Life today was great thank you God for life.


Marsha said...

South Dakota! Oh my! You will probably see SNOW!! Take me, take me! Please!

How long does it take to get there? That's a mite far piece.

heather said...

It takes about 19 hours we split it up over 2 days and we go during the summer so no snow but it is a beautiful drive you feel like you see so much of the country and you pretty much do.

Anonymous said...

take me! take me!

Kim said...

I hope you have a great time!