Thursday, September 18, 2008

Test, Book Fair and a Crab.

So I have not blogged in awhile. I haven't felt very bloggy lately. Anyhoo school is ok. I took my first big test Monday and my next one is this Monday. The main thing I am learning lately(with God's patience and love of course) is that I have to learn to be happy where I am right now. Not happy once I get this, or that or when this finally happens. Because finding contentment is not about making a list and checking things off and saying now I am truly fulfilled and totally satisfied. The realization that obtaining the goal is not the happiness. It is trusting God no matter where I am and finding my happiness in Him. So I find great peace in that. God doesn't have a check list for me He loves me right now all the time and always will.

I also find that I lack a certain motivation. I think it is a genetic mutation (no offense Mom) but I just can't seem to find a lot of reason to do things. I realize as well that I work better under a deadline. I need a fire burning at my feet so that I can get done.

I helped at Zachary's school Tuesday and Wednesday at the book fair. Not to much fun but I did get to see Zachary's teacher in the hall and somewhat connect a little. I need to feel connected but he is in a big boy school and I have limited involvement with his classroom so I am helping at the school and hope that a least makes me feel better and more connected.

Also say a little prayer for me Zachary is bring home a crab from his class room today. I am slightly terrified. I DO NOT like wild animals. That scare me a lot and so I am trying to be a great Mom and let him bring it home but I hope it does not escape and attack me. What if it crawls on me while I sleep!!!! I mean it could pinch me really hard. Sorry I needed to whinny a little thanks for letting me.

I also asked Zachary what he was going to name the crab. He said we should do that as a family. So pray the thing doesn't die, or maybe pray it does. I know that was a little selfish. Wild animals you know.

Well I am off to study. I know you are shocked I mean I don't have a deadline the test is not until Monday. I thought I would try something novel and get a head start.

Tuna and Mayo. Thick white mayo. That was just for you Missy.


Anonymous said...

Your disdain for animals cracks me up. I admit some of them are a little freakish like giant hairy spiders, but crabs? LOL. Kinda like pigeons, eh? They know where you live Heather, they are coming after you, run for your life! I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Kim said...

I love that a crab is a wild animal. Um, no it's not, but you're SURE cute for thinkin' it.

listen out for the crab's footsteps tonight. "shuffle, shuffle, drag, shuffle, shuffle, drag"

I like to trick Missy into eating mayo. It's fun.

Missy said...

WHY???? I was just catching up on your blog and STARTING to feel sorry for you and then this mayo thing?
Why Heather, I thought we were friends!

OK...your husbands above post is stinkin HILARIOUS! I was laughing my butt off, until of course I read this about the mayo...nonetheless...that was funny!