Monday, September 8, 2008

Makes sense.

So I finally feel like my school is making sense and then them bring up atoms and protons and electrons. Some are positive some are negative blah, blah not interested at all. But I will figure it out and learn it but I want be to happy about it. Eric had Grandparents day at school today (thanks Hallmark for coming up with that one) Nancy (Darrin's mother) came up and it was very sweet probably a little to much pressure for the teacher and room mom (thanks Paige there was so not enough food, just kidding old people have to worry about their blood sugar they don't eat much). Anyhoo it was really sweet and Eric loved showing off his room. He made something for Nancy and Gingey,(I will bring it when we come down Mom).

Why is it still so hot? Can not wait to feel the cool winds of Fall.

I read the bible today, I know hold your applause, but this new bible study is very good and I read the next thing on the verses list. It was very good. God's glory is awesome and John 16 is really neat how Jesus shares His glory with us. Much enjoyed.

Well I guess I am off to study and help the kids with homework.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I almost posted about it being so stinkin' hot still! I'm with ya girlfriend, bring on the fall! At least football season has started.