Friday, January 25, 2008


Kim Hill tagged me to do my top 10 obsessions which came from her happy list. Go figure.

So here goes.

1. I re-wash clothes if they don't smell perfect. I hate when they smell even a little musty.

2. Fingernails. I used to always keep mine long and polished. Lately they won't grow they peel down to the quick. I am so vain that it is driving me crazy.

3. Cleaning my house. I am compulsive about it. I could clean 2 or 3 hours a day, happily. I have let it go a little but it drives me crazy. I adore vacuum lines in the carpet they are soooo pretty.

4. I won't wear red. Why can't redheads wear red? The thing is I bought a red swing velvet coat. Now I am scared to wear it. I mean blonde's wear yellow, brunettes wear brown. So why not.

5. Clean feet. I hate dirty feet.I make my kids bath way to much. When Zach was a baby the doctor told me to stop washing him so much I was drying him out. Sorry Zach.

6. I love my yorkie Max way more then is normal. I am not a huge pet person but he is truly the greatest dog in the whole world. I love him like a crazy old cat lady except he is a dog, and I don't want 10 dogs just the one.

7. I plan everything. When we go on trips I would have a schedule of every minute of everyday. I actually did the last time and it was way fun for me. I don't like open endedness I need a schedule. The family on the other hand, not so into it.

8. I could watch TV for days on end I hate that I could watch it so much. We recently downgraded the Dish to 100 channels. I miss the other 150 allot. Even though there are only about 10 I really miss but you can't just order what you want. Very annoying.

9. Lent. I de-lent everybody. I had a Bounce scented lent brush it ran out and now I am worried I want be able to find a new one. I can not de-lent before I leave and it is driving me crazy.

10. I drink Diet Coke we are out now and it is in the back of my brain that I am out and I need it. I need it bad really bad. I mean I don't think I could live with out it. I horde it and will not share. When we go out to my Mom's I have 3 or 4 20oz even if we are only there over night.( She lives way far out and it is to far to go to a store so I must have it with me at all time.

Isn't it fun that what makes us happy also makes us crazy. Who knew.


Missy said...

Wow you really are crazy! No wonder you and Kim are such good friends. :)
Can you come clean my house, my kids, and delint us all?
Leave the dog at home though!

Ginger said...

Very funny! I didn't this about you Heather!

Anonymous said...

I also love vacuum lines on the carpet. Somehow I feel like if I clean my house everywhere but the floors it still feels filthy to me. But if the floors are swept, mopped, and vacuumed, the house is immaculate. And red heads can wear red! You would look amazing in it. And green too, I'm a big fan of green. And I also believe redheads can wear red lipstick. Do it Heather! You must! I love Aaliyah too, I was very sad when she died. I wept for days. I still can't believe she's gone.

Kim said...

I love reading about other people's OCDness. Funny, funny, FUNNY. said...

wow! heather, it's scary how much we have in common. we have to talk and trade OCD tips. :)

Paige M said...

Funny. You crack me up! I'm glad have weird friends, because I am not weird at all..............