Monday, January 14, 2008


I am on hold trying to pay a bill. I loath being on hold. The bill says they close at 6:00 p.m. It is now 5:56 p.m. Do you think I may have waited to late to pay it? I think 4 minutes the day before cutting it off is okay. I mean if it is going to be late it might as well count. They picked up I made it with 1 minute to spare.

Doing laundry. Always doing laundry. I wish it I could just do it one day a week and be done somehow it works better to do it every day or every other day. So thus I am always doing laundry. Endlessly.

I love having friends who listen so well and just let you vent and love you and not judge you. That is hard for me because to do that means letting your mask down and admitting that your life is not perfect. That you don't always get it right. That life is a big wonderful mess and if it was easy then we wouldn't have heaven to look forward to. I am not perfect and as shocking as that is I know I am loved.

I am trying to make a big decision right now and I don't do well with loose ends. I think that once a decision is made I always feel defense about it and must be totally right. I am learning to not be that way and know that whatever my decision is that it is the best for me and my family and to not worry what I think others will think. To know that its okay to be right or wrong.

Life is hard but good and I am slowly trying to look at the struggle as a gift and to learn to grow from it and to not always run from it. I think I over think to much and worry to much. Which means I am not trusting in Jesus enough and to not means I am not grateful for what He did for me and that it means nothing. I can't wait until Wednesday class I miss it when we don't have it. I forget to quickly and I am always needing to be reminded.

So yeah to the struggle. Yeah to learning. Yeah to growing closer to God. because I know that is all I really want or need.


Anonymous said...

I have come to love reading your blogs. I love the way you think and talk and you're very witty! I'm sorry for your struggles. I too feel so blessed to have friends that will listen to you vent and will not judge. Come here and vent anytime, I will listen. The laundry never ends in this house either. I feel your pain there!

Ginger said...

Great, honest post. I'm glad to have you as a friend. Having friends I can be honest with has made a lot of difference in my life. The Lord is good.

quinn said...

Dearest... I'm convinced actually being a mother is part of the pain that God put on Eve when He said "you will have much pain in childbirth." It's hard raising sinners. Especially when I'm the chief of them. Believe the gospel.

quinn said...

okay, that was not Quinn- it was Kim calling you dearest... no creepiness there.

Missy said...

I am cracking up over "Quinn" calling you dearest! Creepy creepy Quinn. Why doesn't he call me dearest?!

OK...Back to you...sorry I baled on you today. I hope me baling is not part of your struggle ;)
I too love your post. They make me smile and Lord knows I've needed that!

Paige M said...

Quinn's gonna love Kim for that one! I was totally thinking "Dearest???? That's a little strange, Quinn"

Isn't it great to know you have friends that completely understand and share your struggles!!!

heather said...

You mean Quinn is not crushing on me? Okay really I was very creeped out too when I read it.

Crissy said...

LOVE this post. I mean, I really do. You reflect my own thoughts and struggles so well.

And no, 4 minutes the day before is not too late. Like you said... make it count.

I wonder what would happen if we just went on strike? Carried picket signs - "No More Laundry."