Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Just cleaned the house it is so lovely. I absolutely hate my vacuum I really want a Dyson. I am almost caught up on laundry and I feel very in control. I know this feeling is fleeting so I am trying to enjoy it while I can. I made a 76/C on my first essay. I am so glad I did pretty good for my first time, at least that is what the teacher wrote on my paper. So on to the next one.

So I was the "friend" who went to Moody Elementary yesterday. We are considering the boys going next year. I love homeschooling and really enjoy it. But I feel overwhelmed and ill equipped which I know is a pretty common feeling. So as a family we when decided to homeschool we said that we would not close any doors. I always thought that they would eventually go back and I guess knowing when is the big question. So we are thinking and I am just so glad that we live in a time and place where we have the choices we do. I think sometimes having the choices are hard. I am just really glad the kids are open with us and let us know what they want and respect that Darrin and I will make the best decision for the family.

I am running. I think this is so unbelievable. I have a husband who runs and have always secretly wanted to run, but never thought I could. I can run 5 whole minutes without stopping. Thanks ladies I really am enjoying it.

The COWS meeting was good. I think that Crissy did a great job, because you really have to trust God with everything and know that He can do whatever you need Him to do in any area of your life.

So today is a good day and I got things done. I wish I felt good even when I am not doing all the things on my mental check list. I guess I just need to add that to my list.


River Life 21st Century said...

So proud of you, Heather.
Your writing is so enjoyable
and readable.
Love to my wonderful grandsons,
you and of course dear Darrin.

Missy said...

It just occured to me that I wish your name was Jeannie!

Cumberland or Canterbury, whatever its called is starting to look good to me!

Good job on your first paper and your running. You Moody people are soo cool!

Kim said...

We ARE cool. Thanks for the reminder Missy.

I'm glad you're proud of your running self. It's pretty neat to see yourself accomplish something you didn't think you'd ever be able to. Bring on the 5K!

Amber said...

I love that feeling when everything has fallen into place for the day: housework, schoolwork, odds/ends, etc. Esp if I have about 2 hours to do absolutely NOTHING, aka, read, surf the web, sit, etc, etc. Haha. But you are so right it is fleeting. Cheers to you for having it all together for this moment!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Heather. It's nice to read about a happy day for friends. I can live vicariously through you when I'm having a bad day. I saw Kim the morning you all visited the school. We had a conversation about homeschooling and public schooling. I'm shooting for public school myself. It is nice that you have choices.