Thursday, January 31, 2008

100 Day party!!

We had a great time at our 100 day of school party.

Check out my Slide Show!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Just cleaned the house it is so lovely. I absolutely hate my vacuum I really want a Dyson. I am almost caught up on laundry and I feel very in control. I know this feeling is fleeting so I am trying to enjoy it while I can. I made a 76/C on my first essay. I am so glad I did pretty good for my first time, at least that is what the teacher wrote on my paper. So on to the next one.

So I was the "friend" who went to Moody Elementary yesterday. We are considering the boys going next year. I love homeschooling and really enjoy it. But I feel overwhelmed and ill equipped which I know is a pretty common feeling. So as a family we when decided to homeschool we said that we would not close any doors. I always thought that they would eventually go back and I guess knowing when is the big question. So we are thinking and I am just so glad that we live in a time and place where we have the choices we do. I think sometimes having the choices are hard. I am just really glad the kids are open with us and let us know what they want and respect that Darrin and I will make the best decision for the family.

I am running. I think this is so unbelievable. I have a husband who runs and have always secretly wanted to run, but never thought I could. I can run 5 whole minutes without stopping. Thanks ladies I really am enjoying it.

The COWS meeting was good. I think that Crissy did a great job, because you really have to trust God with everything and know that He can do whatever you need Him to do in any area of your life.

So today is a good day and I got things done. I wish I felt good even when I am not doing all the things on my mental check list. I guess I just need to add that to my list.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Kim Hill tagged me to do my top 10 obsessions which came from her happy list. Go figure.

So here goes.

1. I re-wash clothes if they don't smell perfect. I hate when they smell even a little musty.

2. Fingernails. I used to always keep mine long and polished. Lately they won't grow they peel down to the quick. I am so vain that it is driving me crazy.

3. Cleaning my house. I am compulsive about it. I could clean 2 or 3 hours a day, happily. I have let it go a little but it drives me crazy. I adore vacuum lines in the carpet they are soooo pretty.

4. I won't wear red. Why can't redheads wear red? The thing is I bought a red swing velvet coat. Now I am scared to wear it. I mean blonde's wear yellow, brunettes wear brown. So why not.

5. Clean feet. I hate dirty feet.I make my kids bath way to much. When Zach was a baby the doctor told me to stop washing him so much I was drying him out. Sorry Zach.

6. I love my yorkie Max way more then is normal. I am not a huge pet person but he is truly the greatest dog in the whole world. I love him like a crazy old cat lady except he is a dog, and I don't want 10 dogs just the one.

7. I plan everything. When we go on trips I would have a schedule of every minute of everyday. I actually did the last time and it was way fun for me. I don't like open endedness I need a schedule. The family on the other hand, not so into it.

8. I could watch TV for days on end I hate that I could watch it so much. We recently downgraded the Dish to 100 channels. I miss the other 150 allot. Even though there are only about 10 I really miss but you can't just order what you want. Very annoying.

9. Lent. I de-lent everybody. I had a Bounce scented lent brush it ran out and now I am worried I want be able to find a new one. I can not de-lent before I leave and it is driving me crazy.

10. I drink Diet Coke we are out now and it is in the back of my brain that I am out and I need it. I need it bad really bad. I mean I don't think I could live with out it. I horde it and will not share. When we go out to my Mom's I have 3 or 4 20oz even if we are only there over night.( She lives way far out and it is to far to go to a store so I must have it with me at all time.

Isn't it fun that what makes us happy also makes us crazy. Who knew.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Okay so I was wrong I can admit when I am wrong. It snowed not quite on the schedule the weatherman said but it did snow. Zachary now believes in the weatherman again. We went out and played in it had a snow ball fight and walked around the neighborhood while it was snowing. We keep signing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" as Kim Hill would say perfection. Of course for it to be totally perfect we would have had to sign in opera voices alas we did not. Eric keep saying over and over "This is great!" he had a blast.

The concert last night was so completely awesome. They were very, very good. We had a great time hangin with our fellow Community Pres. friends. I adore being a grown up. Sometimes I forget what it is like to just sit and enjoy something like that.

Well guess I will go be with the family. The snow is melting, its melting, but it was wonderful while it lasted.

Friday, January 18, 2008

I don't think so.

I don't think it will snow to much. It was 57 degrees today. Zachary says he no longer believes in the weatherman. Like he just found out about Santa. He is angry that they would even mention snow if it weren't a 100 % true. He has already made a map of the Clayton/Hill's yard to plan for his snowball fight. Please snow so Zachary can still believe in the weatherman!!!

My sweet baby Max (for those who don't know he is my little Yorkie) went to day to get a hair cut and I mention about make an appointment to get his teeth pulled (his baby teeth did not fall out) the vet was standing there and I guess he has some Christmas bills due because he said they would do it today. Most the time I can't even get him for a hair cut but today he can have all that done. All that to say that as I was leaving him I had the thought that I hadn't prepared him for anything but a hair cut, like when you tell the kids that they could get a shot at the doctor's. I know he would not have been anymore prepared if the appointment had been scheduled for next Tuesday. I know he can't understand English but I am obviously way to into my dog.

I get to go out tonight to be with grown ups in a grown up bar. I can't wait to hear Adam's band. Very excited. Thanks Kim Hill for watching the boys this is there first friend sleepover. They are over the moon with excitement and if it does snow (please snow) I think that the only day that could rival getting up and having a snow ball fight with your best buddies is maybe their wedding day or the birth of their first born.

Hope everyone has a great time in the snow, but I still don't think so.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I am on hold trying to pay a bill. I loath being on hold. The bill says they close at 6:00 p.m. It is now 5:56 p.m. Do you think I may have waited to late to pay it? I think 4 minutes the day before cutting it off is okay. I mean if it is going to be late it might as well count. They picked up I made it with 1 minute to spare.

Doing laundry. Always doing laundry. I wish it I could just do it one day a week and be done somehow it works better to do it every day or every other day. So thus I am always doing laundry. Endlessly.

I love having friends who listen so well and just let you vent and love you and not judge you. That is hard for me because to do that means letting your mask down and admitting that your life is not perfect. That you don't always get it right. That life is a big wonderful mess and if it was easy then we wouldn't have heaven to look forward to. I am not perfect and as shocking as that is I know I am loved.

I am trying to make a big decision right now and I don't do well with loose ends. I think that once a decision is made I always feel defense about it and must be totally right. I am learning to not be that way and know that whatever my decision is that it is the best for me and my family and to not worry what I think others will think. To know that its okay to be right or wrong.

Life is hard but good and I am slowly trying to look at the struggle as a gift and to learn to grow from it and to not always run from it. I think I over think to much and worry to much. Which means I am not trusting in Jesus enough and to not means I am not grateful for what He did for me and that it means nothing. I can't wait until Wednesday class I miss it when we don't have it. I forget to quickly and I am always needing to be reminded.

So yeah to the struggle. Yeah to learning. Yeah to growing closer to God. because I know that is all I really want or need.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

English 101.

I have official started school. My teacher is Mrs.Buzbee. She is very sweet and seems very helpful. I am pretty sure I was the oldest one in the class, but with age comes wisdom. I enjoy all the knowledge I have acquired in the school of life and hope it serves me well. Although it was a little scary getting started I am really glad that I have. I hope that this will help me learn patience. I am by nature not a patient person. I over think and over worry about everything. So I try not to focus on that this will probably take me 3 to 4 years. I say to myself I am now one step closer to the goal I have set. I am one step closer to a dream that I have always had. So very content with myself right about now and very patiently working towards my goal. I am very much enjoying feeling like I am accomplishing something and that is a good feeling. I hope that by the time I have to write my research paper I will be ready (panicking because I have never written a research paper) to write it and to finish what I have started. So 4 months from now I can check English 101 of my very long list of classes I have to take. But definitely happy that I am slowly and patiently getting there.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


We went to The Sharp's last night. It was as always very fun. This was the first New Year's party that Darrin and I have ever been to. I had mimosas,chocolate and great company.

So Zachary keeps asking me what my new years resolution is. I don't make them anymore. I think that they are just to hard and to easy to let go so why bother. I mean I wake up every day thinking I need to diet, I need to be a better wife and mother so this day is really no different. So I stopped making resolutions a few years ago. Now I think why are they always the more self-centered things. Why can't I resolute to be more kind to others (also for me so I can say to myself I was kind today) help someone (also for me). If I can come up with one that isn't all about me maybe I will give it a try again. I know that they are about improving myself but I think I try and fail at that enough. So I think I will start my new year off just knowing that God delights in me no matter my short comings and those short comings make me long for Him and with out them I probably wouldn't. So I resolute to be me and enjoy life and to not making new years resolutions.