Friday, July 25, 2008

One down a gbillion to go.

Zach made it last night, he didn't come wake us up. He said he did wake up but didn't open his eyes( a little advice from his oh so wise parents) and went back to sleep. So yeah. I always thought that once they were not babies anymore I would sleep again. Don't get me wrong I sleep a lot more then when they were babies but still. Anyway I am glad that we had a the opportunity to share with him the gospel and God's love for him and our own.

I dropped my application off yesterday. I am still amazed at how far things are here. The Board of Ed. is in Ashville. Anyway I would like to share a bit of my insanity with you. Why haven't they called me yet? I had this thought even before I took the application in. Like they could feel my want of the job telepathically. I mean I am so great and really want the job. Can't they tell that from my resume? I am the most impatient person ever. When I get a thought it is all I can think about. I am obsess over it. I plan my life for the next 25 years around something that has not even happen yet. (You know the whole retirement thing). Anyway I know that it is really a lack of trusting God and His plan for me, instead of my plans and what I want Him to do for me. So I am trying to just chill and trust that the best thing for me and the family is what God wants for me and to trust in that. We'll see I guess I will just have to keep working on that one.

Anyway I think we will go to the pool today I mean there are very few pool days left. so toddles for now.


Kim said...

I did the same thing with my job, even though everything happened very quickly.

Anonymous said...

I worry things into the ground so I know exactly what you are talking about. I often wonder why I spend so much time worrying about things that haven't happened. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.

Missy said...

Do you want to do something 2 weeks from tomorrow in the year 2015. Just trying to plan ahead. He he!
I'm sorry your going crazy. I understand and it's not a fun place to be.
I will be praying for your sanity :)

Missy said...

Yes, I am planning on next Thursday barring any more annoying van problems!

Paige M said...

Hadn't read blogs in a few days. Have you heard anything else about the job? That kind of stuff is nerve racking.

What about Zac's sleeping? Ditto on the nerve racking.

Let's get together this week.

Leigh McKibben said...

Hey Heather,

I read the post about Zach's night troubles, and I wanted to tell you that I suffered from the same thing as a child. I remember many nights of sneaking into my parents' room and sleeping on the floor at the foot of their bed.

The one thing my mother told me that helped was when my mind starts to wonder towards scary things to think back to a really fun time I'd had, and play it over in my mind...a birthday party, swimming at the pool, etc. It might sound simple and silly, but I still do that sometimes when Ken is out of town, and I can't sleep...because even to this day, I am still a scaredy pants. Sounds like you guys are on the right track, but I thought it might help...I can always give you my mom's number and she can commiserate with your struggle first hand! :) Hang in there!