Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So summer is so good. We went to the water park Alabama Adv. my cousin Lindy and her son Jonathan came up and we had a great time. We got to talk a lot and I got to share with her the love I have for my church family and that finding a good church home is so encouraging and wonderful for your life and living the gospel and grace is wonderful. I am sure I did not convey it that eloquently but I hope I did okay. I love her so much and want great things for her. I had to call her at work to set up our plans. I still think it is so cute she has a job. I know she is grown up but in my mind we are still kids when we talk to each other.

Anyway the water park was great the kids had a great time. I am way to old to ride spinning stuff in fact I never really liked it so I got a little motion sick. The water rides were great except the one that is shaped like a bowl I banged my head and feel through the hole in a most unlady like fashion. But the boys thought I was way cool for doing it. And I have to get in my way cool quota before I get to old.

Can not wait till the 4th we are going down to see family and it will be a blast as always.

Happy 4th!!!


Kim said...

I love the awkward falls in the water at the end of a slide at a water park. I feel like I must check that all is still in the bathsuit after it's done.

Butt? Check.
Boobs? Check.

Okay, I'll stand up now.

Anonymous said...

have fun and be safe!