Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Life is tremendous.

So I am going to apply for a job at Moody High school in the office. Crazy I know but I keep an eye on there web site because I think it would be fabulous to be off work when the kids are out and I am very excited. Thanks to all the ladies that came over today and listening to my excitement. I can get a little excited. But I have decided that having something while the kids are in school would be good for me I tend to get a little crazy when I am not busy. So we will see what happens. I am leaving it up to God and if it is not this particular job He will have the right one lined up for me. Will I keep going to school? Probably but I am not sure if I would stick with nursing. Maybe something in office admin. or something. Because I think a job where I am off when the kids are would be super fabulous. And to be honest I love school but it can get a little tedious and I would be just as happy doing office work and working for the county. I am way to obsessed about retirement. but I really want to retire and travel and I need to have a good retirement lined up. And it would be a good fit for me I think. Who knows we will see. Anyway I had a really great day. I love having people over. I will have to do it again soon.


Kim said...

I'm glad everything went well today!

Pursue it and see what happens...
Keep us posted.

Kimmipeach@gmail.com said...

i missed the get-together!! :( i'm sorry. i will try harder to make it to the next one.

Anonymous said...

I am so mad I missed the get together. Not at you but at me. The one time I missed checking your blog!!! Congrats on the job app. I'm excited for you. Now the thing is, when all you moms of school age children start working again and put your kids in public school, what will I do with myself!!!

I'm coming to the next get together.

Missy said...

Look at you spreading your wings and flying. Its amazing how plans can change and God just gets us to go with it.
I hope it all works out for you!