Thursday, July 24, 2008

Adivse please.

My 10 year old is having a waking up at night scared out of his mind probably. He has always been a bit scared at night. Scared of robbers breaking in. He sees things moving and thinks he hears things moving. Or a light moving. We have tried many things like a night light, that was to bright and he would come wake us up to tell us he could not sleep because the light was to bright. Bye-Bye night light. The office is right across from him and he would see light from the computer or maybe an alien space ship, come to us wake us up and tell us. So we closed the office door. Now he thinks he sees the office door opening. The other night it was so bad he was shaking all over terrified. So due to being so tired he sleep with us briefly until I sent him back. We encourage him to pray to trust that God is in control and that the house is safe but if something were to happen it would happen and God has a greater plan than we can understand. Last night 3 times he came in and woke us up it is getting worst not better. He feels we are mad at him and we let him know that we are not mad just frustrated with the situation. We told him not to get up to go back to sleep that is not working. I know he is truly scared and not trying to just sleep with us we never let him, but I feel punishing him is not quite the right avenue yet . What should I do. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

o, wow, heather. has he always had a very vivid imagination? my 6 year old neice has bad dreams sometimes and they are very bizarre things. i'm so sorry you all are going through this! i don't have any words of wisdom but i think you and darren are doing the right thing by encouraging prayer. i'll pray for you too.

Kim said...

Good grief. I would say that something you could do would be to tell him when he comes to make himself a pallette on the ground. And keep encouraging him to pray about being scared.

I don't know.

Missy said...

Do you pray WITH him before he goes to bed? That might help just add a calming element.
I also would suggest finding some scriptures on fear and memorizing them with him. It would be good for him to fall back on in the middle of the night.

I'm sorry. I'm sure that can be frustrating as well as sad :(