Thursday, May 1, 2008


Is Kim really leaving? Is she really? Who will take me to the thrift store and find me fabulous stuff? I mean I am such a newbie at thrifting and I still need lots of help. So I really will miss that part a lot but I will really miss her smiling face the way she always makes everyone feel so welcome. I remember the first time I went to her house for small groups and I sat at the bar in the pool house and I knew after about ten minutes that we would be friends really good friends. She has shown me the gospel so much and always weaves it into her life so beautifully. Always answering my questions but never pushy. She has made me a runner I know she would say I did it but she is a great motivator. She has taught me to be more open and the ability to be more hospitable. Even when you have to watch Phantom of the Opera 3 times in one week still you get cheese cake and you are always welcome. My boys will miss her boys greatly. So I know you are scared about leaving and I know that you will make new friends but I am glad that I get to say that I am your friend. You made my move and adjustment to Moody so wonderful and I will always be grateful to you for that. So as hard as it is for you to leave I pray for you and that in Clinton MS that there are lots of friends waiting to be blessed with you as their friend. As long as you know that I expect you back here in three years to the day. And whenever you want to come visit that the Nold's welcome you and I can't wait to come stay with you and see the fabulous Mississippi. I love you and I am proud of you. Missing you already.

My top ten favorite things about Kim Hill.

1. Cheese cake and her love of it.

2. Hangin and just talking endless about everything.

3. That she can't understand how I just don't like coffee. Even with liquor in it.

4. Shopping. (need I say more)

5. Beex and his love of Mrs. Header's bubble gum.

6. Si guys sweet face.

7. Corin and his funny, funny sense of humor.

8. Her great passion for something if she loves it (Phantom anyone).

9. Her open and wonderful happy self.

10. That I am her friend. :)


Anonymous said...

Ditto, ditto and ditto. She's a real pal, a covenant sister and friend. But so are you, dear Heather! This is the worst part of being an adult, when friends move away.

Kim said...

Thank you, thank you.

Paige M said...

I was a bit weepy today anyway. This pushed me over the edge. Great words. My feelings exactly. Thanks.

Missy said...

Seriously...I'm not a cryee person, but I'm tearing up.
That was very sweet!!!

Missy said...

Oh, and I must add...who will take pictures of our children?