Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have finished writing my paper. I can't believe it it seems like I have been working on it forever. I have been thinking lately that I don't know if I want to keep going with school. Do I have the patience? Do I really want to? Am I wishy washy? I really want to keep going but it has been a strain on my time and the time with the family. The boys have been great at helping and not having there dinner cooked every night. And I am happy having my own little slice of life. But the boys are going back to school next year and I think why not just get a job and not wait 3 to 4 years to finish school. Or work and go to school. I have a difficult time making decisions and I don't like to stop something once I have started. But I know that it would be okay either way. I just wonder if am able to keep up with it all. I still have to type my paper and edit it so the work goes on. I have learned a lot and have decided to take a math class during the summer. Which I actually see as growth for me. I am usually an all or nothing person so doing something I am not 100% sure about is good for me. So maybe it is about growing and not just about finishing. Guess I need to type my paper. Peace out.


Kim said...

Growing is good. I say (because I KNOW you've just been waiting to hear from me to help you with your decision) GO to school, one class at a time, until you decide you actually want to major in something and graduate. No stress. Play it by ear.

Missy said...

I agree with Kim...and now you can put the matter to rest because Kim and Missy have spoken!

Paige M said...

HELLOOOO??? Am what am I? Chopped liver? I must put my 2 cents in. I actually am a very wishy washy person. Never good at making big decisions and ALWAYS second guessing myself. BUT... in making your decisions, I'll say I think you have done great this semester (or quarter, whatever). You are dedicated and you have your family's support. I think you should take it slow and continue with school. You would be an incredible nurse, if that is what you chose to do. I just wish you were about 15 years younger than me so then you could take care of me when I'm old (you said you would like working with the elderly) Only problem is you will be "elderly" with me. darn

Anonymous said...

I have nothing more to add other than the "peace out" made me laugh outloud for some reason. I'm sorry, I had a Napoleon Dynamite flashback.

I miss hangin' with you girls.