Monday, March 31, 2008

Belk's has a sell.

Well Friday morning after running Kim mention Belk's is having a $1.98 to $4.98 sell I say I'm in. So I go home then head over to Kim's. Within 10 minutes maybe not even that long Zach's saying Mom from out side very urgently. I walk out and Eric is bleeding from his chin and knee, Zach explains that he lost control of the bike he was on and ran over Eric. "What you ran over him" I ask? Yes he ran over him. Okay I am thinking a few band-aide's and we will be on or way to the big sell at Belk's. But then every time Eric moves he screams his belly hurts. So I lift up his shirt and guess what a tire mark going right across his upper belly. Now I get a little scared because he is making this moan like wail that is not like him. So Kim comes and looks and we call Anita, she is at work, so we call Myja and she looks and says probably need to get him checked out. So I call Darrin because I don't like to drive in a panic, so he meets me at Raceway and we go to St.Vincent's East. They check him out and say he is a little tender on his side he needs a CT. Okay so we are there about 4 hours they got us back quick and did a great job. But the whole time Eric is fine joking playing Eye Spy. So they do the CT and say he may have a lesion on his spleen. I'm sorry say again? My brain is not computing. Then we are told we will be there or transferred to Children's. So now I have that scary felling inside because living in Montgomery Children's is were you were flown to if it was really bad. So they did transfer us in an ambulance (because they wanted him under the care of surgeons that specials in children in case he needed surgery) Eric did like the ambulance ride they rode lights and siren go down 20/59 at 5:00 p.m. very wild. So we get there they put me in a little room all be myself. Didn't like this I needed to talk nervously to make me feel better but no one was there. Darrin had run home to get me some clothes to sleep in at the hospital. Then they move him to the PICU,again scared feeling inside. But they soon reviewed his CT and said that it maybe a lesion but it maybe just a bruise. We would be moving to a private room. So by now they have put an IV in both the babies arms and start drawing blood every 4 hours. He could not get up, he was on bed rest, no food, Eric was not happy. They were all really great and kind they took care of Darrin and me to, getting us water and whatever we needed, Children's was great. So they let us go the next day and it was a bruise on his spleen so no soccer or wrestling or to much running around for 2 weeks. During all of this,for the first time in my life, I didn't think God what did I do wrong and now what can I do right to make this all okay and make you happy with me again. I just keep being thankful for his grace and knowing that I was on the path He had chosen for me and to just be with me in my time of need. And he was there the whole time and He loved me and delighted in me and that was my comfort to know that things happen and that no matter what God would be there for me and my family.

So you ask what about the sell I made it yesterday and got some really great stuff. But most of all I am glad my baby is okay.


Missy said...

We have been praying for Eric...when I talked to Kim Friday she told me ya'll where at the hospital. SOOOOOO glad he is OK!

Childrens is a nice place, glad you had a good experience.

Somebody at Church yesterday was just telling me about the Belk sale...maybe I should go!

Anonymous said...

O goodness, Heather, my heart rate just went up reading this! I'm am so glad everything is going to be ok. Never the less, I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Crissy said...

Okay, you just made me cry. To hear you remembering the gospel, preaching the gospel to yourself and others is a huge, powerful thing. Wow. God's grace is beautiful. Thank you for the lesson. said...

God is good, even when life is scary and feels bad. i'm thankful that the Holy Spirit reminded you of who you are in christ. i'm also thankful that eric is fine.