Thursday, April 17, 2008

I think I am turing into a morning person!!!

Help me I think I am turning into a morning person. I don't understand it I am official unable to go back to sleep if I wake up around 6:00a.m. This is not like me at all,it started about 2 years ago and it has only gotten worse. I miss sleeping in till 9:00 or 10:00 but alas even when on vacation I can't. Sad :( But it has made me more productive in the morning I even fixed breakfast for my husband this morning before he left. This almost never happens and it was only cinnamon rolls but hey I opened the can and put then in the oven and he loves cinnamon rolls. But I used to wish I would be a morning person because I am married the morningest morning person ever. He does more before 8:00a.m. then I do all day. But he has always been sympathetic to my affliction of sleeping in past 7:00a.m. He even wishes he could sleep in sometimes but that is a rare occurrence. So I guess I will be getting all the early bird specials and be asleep by 8:30 okay I am also official old.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could be a morning person. I really could get so much accomplished. I think it's a fact of life the older we get the earlier we wake up. My parents make me laugh sometimes when they tell me the "slept in" until 7am. I remember growing up my mom was a morning person and she would be so happy in the mornings that I just wanted to vomit. But with each passing day I become more and more like her. I never sleep past 8 anymore unless I'm sick. Lately I've been waking up before 7. And with the new baby coming I'm sure I'll be up and going even earlier! Just make sure you go to bed early so you can get plenty of rest!

Kim said...

Bwa, ha, ha! The morning people are taking over your mind! My evil genius plan is working!

Paige M said...

turn from the dark side....TURN I TELL YOU!