Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring please!!

Woke up this morning again with a sore throat. Way tired of the sickies. But I will survive Hey Hey! (I always have to sing that when I say survive Hey Hey!) So other then that I fell pretty good. So tired of school I am ready for Spring Break we hadn't planned on taking it off but I think we need a break. My school is going pretty well but it is harder then I had thought it would be, my teacher is very nice and let me and others rewrite our papers if we needed to. I needed too. So the only thing getting me through is that I am half way done and I show up to class and participate so I hope that is worth some extra points. I need a C so I hope that I do get it. I am learning but,college is very different and I hope the difficulty of this class will prepare me for my other classes.

So 10 things I like about Spring!

1.Flowers blooming. I do not have a green thumb so I must admire others flowers but I do love them. Oohh a field trip to the Botanical Gardens!!!

2. Flip Flops. I love that they are back in style.

3. Sunshine.

4. Fresh air, cool breezes.

5. Trips to the beach before it gets to hot.

6. It's not a 114 degrees yet.

7. Swimming or watching the kids swim when it is really to cold but they don't care.

8. Easter and Easter dresses, Easter egg hunts. We always had a big hunt at my PawPaw's I'll miss that.

9. Sitting in the backyard music on,BBQing, drinking a cool beverage. With my sweetie or course.

10. Everything becoming new again. The grass, the trees, the flowers everything.

So eagerly awaiting Spring, and eagerly awaiting May 2 (that would be the end of English 101) and on to new Summer classes.


Missy said...

I thought Clinton and Stacey say no Flip Flops???

Logan had that random fever/belly ache thing yesterday.
I am ready too for the weird sickies of Winter to be gone!!!

We need to do our Space field trip soon.

Kim said...

Amen sister! I'm ready to dig out my capris and wedges. Maybe with a lovely French Pedicure.

heather said...

I think they are okay in the right setting. Not at the office but okay for the pool and they also don't live in the south were it is 1000 degrees in August.

heather said...
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Anonymous said...

I think spring fever is spreading fast over us all. I'm ready to get my two year old out of the house!