Monday, December 17, 2007

Random thoughts

So I could not sleep last night I hate that I would love to get up and clean. I am truly a night owl, but I can't because everyone else is sleeping. I have to take a college entrance exam tonight and I am a little terrified. It is for Math and Grammar (I think someone said I was a wiz at grammar at least that is how I will interpret it)So say a little pray for my old brain. I will say that I hope by helping Zachary with is 3rd grade Math and Grammar will help.

I have really been missing my grandfather. He loved Christmas and was always so wonderful and generous. Going to his house is still wonderful but I miss him. I still expect to see him there. To see him laugh and the joy he always had when we were all there. I know he is happy in heaven and dancing with my grandmother, but I still miss him. I am so grateful that he was with me for 33 years of my life and both my boys knew him. Zachary still cries for him, this time it was right before his birthday and PawPaw never missed his birthday and he knew he would not be here for it.

I was also thinking last night about all my wreaks. Why you ask? I don't know I have had a lot and sometimes I just can't help but to remember. My first wreck was when I was 15. Mom was with me and we were in a mall parking lot. I ran over the little tree/curb thing at the end of the row and hit one car that push it into two other cars. I pushed the gas instead of the brake. I am still surprise when my Mom rides with me and let's me drive. I guess the whole graceful thing past me buy. I fall down a lot too go figure. I once tried to jump over a chain at a car lot you know the really low ones that go from one post to another and nearly touch the ground in the middle. Well it somehow caught my foot and I flipped and landed on all four's. I scrapped both of my knees and hands. I was dating Darrin at the time so he knew what he was getting into. It was so funny when Quinn came and got my ankle brace the other night for Kim, Darrin and Quinn shared a look of understanding that only a husband of truly graceful women can share.

I needed to make Christmas cookies. I haven't yet and would like to. Maybe tomorrow if any one would like to join me let me know. If you are totally burned out on Christmas cookies I completely understand.


Missy said...

Ah so I was not the only insomniac last night.
What is wrong with us?
I will say a prayer for your exam. You are a whiz and you will do fine. I'm just impressed that you even are going to and teaching school. Thats cool!

I like all of your falling and wreck stories. I have alot too. We could write a book!

Kim said...

I am VERY graceful.
I am a dancer. Or I want to be. I will always be jealous of the fact that someone thought you were a dancer. Say it was me!

Anonymous said...

I too am very graceful on my feet. Once, before Brian and were dating, I stepped off a sandbar at the beach and flipped all the way to shore because of the waves. All I can remember about the incident is Brian's screams of "are you ok!" and swallowing a bunch of sea water. And of course my top flying up around my neck. Wonderful times. Good luck with your exams, I will be praying for you, but I'm sure you'll do excellant. said...

Praying for you on your exams. I will always think of you, and Kim, as graceful in a Monty Python sketch. lol

Kim said...

How'd you do on your test?

Ginger said...

Heather, I miss you! I feel like I haven't seen you in so long! Have a great Christmas!