Thursday, July 16, 2009


It is raining. Love it. The kids are doing some math. Why is it so hard to keep them focused. I have been doing pretty good this summer making them practice. Not everyday but at least a couple times a week. Otherwise we have been having a really great summer. And they for the most part don't mind doing the little bit of work I have asked them to do.

Changing. Do you ever feel a change in yourself. Most of the time we don't notice but lately I have noticed. A good change I think. I see my sin more and others less. I think the love of Christ gives you tolerance that me as Heather does not have at all. I am so grateful for Christ and never understood as much as I do lately. And that is what makes you want to share it with others not for the you are a member of a church part but to know that love and know that He loves you endlessly.

Chang.I am very excited about working at the MDO starting in August. Fun times and I love the little guys they are so fun.

Change. I am not a mother of a baby anymore. My little guy turns 7 next month. I am somewhat middle aged. Yikes. But knowing that chapter of my life is over makes me more happy then sad. I mean I am still a mother I just don't have to change diapers. Except at work now so it all evens out.

Changing, when I will apply and start nursing school it will be fall 2010. It will help to get the other classes out of the way because the nursing classes are 8, 5, and 6 credit hours. Time and money.

I used to always fear change now I don't change is growth. And growth is good.


Anonymous said...

yay for a new blog! i always think of change around this time of year when summer is ending and fall is beginning. i see that as the start of a new year rather than in january. i guess because it always coincided with school starting. you will be fabulous in mdo. i hope brandon can get in there. it would be great if he could get signed up. since you are his girlfriend and all.

Paige M said...

Great post, except for the fact that it makes me admit to being middle-aged too. Change.....I like it best jingling at the bottom of my purse! :)